Doctorate in Psychoanalysis (Psy.D)
Certified Analyst
Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC)
Master’s of Social Work (MSW)
San Francisco State University
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Board of Behavioral Sciences/State of California
- Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California
- International Psychoanalytic Association
- International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis
- National Association for Social Work
- California Society for Clinical Social Work
- Division 39, American Psychological Association
Scholarly Work
- International Psychoanalytic Association
Mexico City, 2011:
“The Disappearing Analyst: The experience of a paradoxical, no-object in the transference”.
Boston, 2016:
“When the Mind Does Not Arrive: The negative of trauma and the encounter with a nonsymbolic object.”*
- International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis
San Francisco, 2009:
“Left Too Long” (experiences of early trauma)
Toronto, 2015:
“Thinking About Trauma: The analyst’s encounter with the unthinkable in psychoanalytic theory and in the clinical setting.”**
*Presented at Div. 39, American Psychological Association, Denver, 2016
**Presented at the International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education, Seattle, 2007